Aircraft Maintenance Manuals translation and proofreading
Service Bulletins translation and proofreading
Website content translation and proofreading
Technical manuals translations

Data Science and Machine Learning translations
IT education materials translations
Performance assessments for Artificial Intelligence Engineering
Deep Learning content translations

Technology and Engineering manual translations
Press release translations and proofreading

Website content translation (German-English and French-English)
Civil engineering projects translation and proofreading
Work procedures translation and proofreading
Technical manuals translation and proofreading

Energie 360°
Engineering plans and drawings translation and proofreading (German-English)
Website content translation and proofreading
Intranet content translations
Project briefs DE>EN
Technical manuals DE>EN

Voestalpine Tubulars
Technology and Engineering manual translations (German-English)
Renewable energy engineering translations (German-English)
Aviation application translations (German-English)

Website content DE>EN
Intranet help guides and content DE>EN
GIS Work procedures DE>EN
Technical manuals translation and proofreading
Engineering drawings translation and proofreading

Technical translations of diverse articles and marketing materials on different topics, such as:
LED monitors
Data Projector

Website content translation (German-English and French-English)
Civil engineering projects translation and proofreading
Work procedures translation and proofreading
Technical manuals translation and proofreading

SR Technics
Work procedures translation and proofreading (German-English)
SAP localisation (German-English)
Danobat High Speed Grinder Software localisation DE>EN

Web content translations
Internal technical manuals translation

Translating and proofreading projects from various clients in the following language pairs:

Translators Café
Translating and proofreading projects from various clients in the following language pairs:

I provide translation services for humanitarian non-profits.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree in Dipl. Technician HF Energy & Environmental Technology
The thesis "Solar Hydrogen Systems for Off-grid Energy Generation" received top grades.
A pre-thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree in Dipl. Technician HF in Renewable Energy Systems 2016
The pre-thesis "Fuel Cells: A Feasible Regenerative Energy Technology" was graded with a 6/6 (top grade).

renewable energy translator, renewable energy translations, renewable energy engineering translations, technical translation services, wind energy translations, solar energy translations, solar power translations, wind power translations, biomass energy translations, hydropower translations, geothermal energy translations, clean energy translations, energy efficiency translations, energy storage translations, electric vehicles translations, green energy translations, renewable energy documents, technical translation for renewable energy, engineering translations for renewables, energy policy translations, renewable energy reports, solar panel installation translations, wind turbine translations, renewable energy contracts, sustainability translations, environmental engineering translations, carbon reduction translations, climate change translations, clean tech translations, energy transition translations, energy infrastructure translations, renewable energy regulatory translations, renewable energy market translations, wind farm translations, solar farm translations, hydropower project translations, renewable energy patents translations, renewable energy technical manuals, environmental impact translations, renewable energy websites, technical content translations for renewables, energy systems translations, energy audits translations, smart grid translations, offshore wind energy translations, renewable energy policies translations, green technology translations, green building translations, sustainable energy translations, renewable energy research translations, wind turbine maintenance translations, solar energy maintenance translations, renewable energy funding translations, energy innovation translations, energy sector translations, technical documents for renewable energy, power generation translations, power plant translations, energy consulting translations, renewable energy engineering services, energy transition consulting translations, renewable energy supply chain translations, carbon-neutral translations, net-zero energy translations, electric grid translations, sustainable energy solutions, sustainable energy policies, renewable energy investment translations, clean energy solutions translations, wind energy project translations, solar energy project translations, renewable energy marketing translations, renewable energy industry translations, wind energy technology translations, energy sector reports translations, technical terminology for renewable energy, renewable energy technical writing, solar energy technical writing, wind energy technical writing, energy technology translation, translation services for clean energy, renewable energy solutions, energy transformation translations, decarbonization translations, green economy translations, green energy projects, environmental sustainability translations, clean energy engineering, energy systems engineering translations, international renewable energy translations, Erneuerbare Energien, Übersetzungsdienstleistungen, technische Übersetzungen, Übersetzung erneuerbare Energien, Windenergie, Solarenergie, Photovoltaik, Biomasse, Wasserkraft, Geothermie, Offshore-Windenergie, Onshore-Windenergie, Windkraftanlagen, Solaranlagen, Solarstrom, Energieeffizienz, Energiewende, grüne Energie, saubere Energie, nachhaltige Energie, Smart Grid, Stromnetz, Energiespeicherung, Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Energiespeicherlösungen, Elektromobilität, E-Mobilität, Ladeinfrastruktur, Wasserstofftechnologie, Wasserstoffwirtschaft, Wasserstoffproduktion, Brennstoffzellen, CO2-Reduktion, Klimawandel, CO2-Emissionen, nachhaltige Entwicklung, Kohlenstoffneutralität, Energieoptimierung, Energiemarkt, Energiedienstleistungen, Energieversorgung, Energieprojekte, Umwelttechnik, erneuerbare Energiequellen, Photovoltaikanlagen, Windparkplanung, Solartechnik, Ingenieurdienstleistungen, Ingenieurübersetzungen, technische Dokumentation, technische Handbücher, Produktdokumentation, Umweltfreundliche Technologien, Forschung und Entwicklung, Nachhaltigkeit, Projektmanagement, Windenergieprojekte, Solartechnologie, Ingenieurbau, Energieberatung, Energieausweis, Forschung erneuerbare Energien, grüne Technologien, Umweltzertifikate, internationale Energieprojekte, Energiebranche, erneuerbare Energieforschung, Energiezukunft, Energiewirtschaft, Solarstromerzeugung, Windstrom, Elektrische Energiespeicherung, Smart Metering, Stromspeicher, Digitalisierung der Energiebranche, Offshore-Windparks, nachhaltige Infrastruktur, Energiewirtschaftliche Übersetzungen, technische Fachübersetzungen, Klima- und Umwelttechnik, Ingenieurtechnische Übersetzungen, Ingenieurübersetzer, Spezialübersetzungen erneuerbare Energien, Fachübersetzungen erneuerbare Energien, Technologieübersetzungen, nachhaltige Lösungen, klimafreundliche Technologien, Energieinnovationen, énergie renouvelable, traduction énergie renouvelable, traduction technique, traduction technique énergie, traduction ingénierie, traduction ingénierie énergétique, traduction de textes techniques, énergie solaire, énergie éolienne, énergie hydraulique, énergie géothermique, biomasse, biogaz, systèmes d’énergie renouvelable, transition énergétique, efficacité énergétique, infrastructures énergétiques, technologies de l’énergie, ingénierie des énergies renouvelables, développement durable, technologies propres, économie verte, réduction des émissions de carbone, énergie propre, panneaux solaires, éoliennes, turbines éoliennes, centrales hydroélectriques, hydroliennes, stockage d'énergie, batteries de stockage, gestion de l'énergie, réseaux intelligents, micro-réseaux, systèmes photovoltaïques, centrales photovoltaïques, énergies marines, conversion de l’énergie, production d’énergie verte, décarbonation, développement des énergies renouvelables, projet énergétique, ingénieur en énergies renouvelables, ingénieur en efficacité énergétique, solutions énergétiques durables, performance énergétique, bâtiment à énergie positive, mobilité durable, véhicules électriques, électromobilité, planification énergétique, évaluation de projet, analyse énergétique, financement de projets énergétiques, politiques énergétiques, technologies de stockage, solutions de stockage d'énergie, efficacité des ressources, transition vers les énergies renouvelables, stratégie énergétique, équipements énergétiques, calculs énergétiques, systèmes d'alimentation en énergie, normes environnementales, certificats d'énergie verte, audit énergétique, réduction de la consommation énergétique, impact environnemental, gestion durable de l’énergie, changement climatique, réduction de l’empreinte carbone, économie circulaire, solutions énergétiques intelligentes, électroénergie, conversions énergétiques, gestion des déchets énergétiques, réseaux électriques intelligents, empreinte écologique, efficacité énergétique industrielle, performance énergétique des bâtiments, technologie solaire, transition énergétique mondiale, énergie renouvelable à grande échelle, systèmes de chauffage solaires, installations photovoltaïques, production d'électricité renouvelable, politique climatique, politique énergétique, projets solaires, projets éoliens, efficacité des installations, analyse de cycle de vie, architecture énergétique durable, systèmes énergétiques autonomes, production d'hydrogène vert, énergie décentralisée